This Canada Day...
June is National Indigenous History Month and “Canada” is finally confronting en masse the truths of our colonial history, and the past and present injustices faced by Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island. While Indigenous histories under colonization have been fraught with pain, Indigenous people are also resilient. They have never stopped fighting for their inherent rights.
This “Canada” day, we encourage all settlers to change how you celebrate. First, we encourage you to take time to learn more about Canada’s colonial history. Here are some resources to get you started:
- Learn about Residential Schools through this book list curated by David A. Robertson
- Learn about the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action
- Get an understanding of how colonization has specifically impacted Indigenous Women by reading the Reclaiming Power and Place, The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
- Check out these teaching resources assembled by The Anishinabek Nation
- Take a course on Indigenous histories and contemporary issues in Canada.
And second, we highly encourage you to celebrate the important contributions and accomplishments of Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island!
- Watch a whole slew of films made by Indigenous filmmakers, assembled by Reel Canada.
- Read the stories of Indigenous resiliency in the face of colonial oppression across history.
- Get to know 15 incredible Indigenous activists who are creating change today.
- Find inspiration in the stories of important Indigenous Leaders.
And of course, we encourage you to do your own research into the history of colonization and Indigenous resiliency!