That's a Wrap!!!
“Join us as we work to complete the smallest steps documentary, and take our own small steps towards ending violence against women in Canada!
Not only will we be spending the next few months elbow-deep in digital film reels, but we are going to be pouring our hearts and souls into the main purpose of the whole film’s creation: Supporting the violence against women movement by sharing our own activist journeys, highlighting the efforts of other amazing individuals working in this field, and pointing out important resources to help YOU in your journey to becoming activists yourselves.
Because each of us is on our own path, we acknowledge and heartily emphasize that we do NOT have all the answers. Nor will our thoughts and musings always be “right”. The thing about being an activist is that you are constantly learning with every new study, person, and change that you encounter.
What we hope to build here with our blog and our website is a space where we can all share our experiences and grow together.
Join us as we work to complete the smallest steps documentary, and take our own small steps towards ending violence against women in Canada!
Catch y’all soon! Nicole
Nicole Bedford is an emerging filmmaker in the Ottawa filmmaking scene.
Her documentary shorts to date have explored different aspects of changing identity, like how women’s identities change when they have a child. Through her films she seeks to get viewers thinking (and acting) differently. the smallest steps will be her first feature.