Hey TDBS Teachers! Screen 'the smallest steps' for #16Days!

Guess what Toronto District School Board Teachersthe smallest steps is now available through the Toronto District School Board Catalogue for in-class screenings!

Our film is a fantastic resource for meeting key Ontario Curriculum  learning objectives in a wide variety of classes including:

  • Civic & Citizenship
  • Politics in Action
  • Understanding Canadian Law
  • Legal Studies
  • Contemporary Indigenous Issues and Perspectives
  • Gender Studies
  • Equity & Social Justice
  • History

Check out the full list of courses here!

Our film has already been used in Ottawa classrooms and has prompted incredible discussion amongst students hungry to know the history and current state of gender-based violence in Canada.

What’s more, you also have access to our Actions, Activities, & Discussion Questions booklet providing you with lots of different ideas for maximizing the educational (and action-focused) aspects of our film.

Want one of our protagonists to attend one of your classes for further discussion? We’d love to arrange that! Just reach out to Nicole at VAWDoc@gmail.com and we’ll do our best to coordinate something!

Finally, we LOVE showcasing student learning on our website. If you screen our film in class, and students would like to share their reflections, actions, or projects, send them to us at VAWDoc@gmail.com!

Happy Teaching!