2022 - A Year in Review

Left to Right: Nicole Bedford, Leighann Burns, Victoria, Jade, at the friends and family screening for the smallest steps (May 2022).

Wow, can you believe 2022 is over? I sure can’t. It has been a complete whirlwind of a year — one full of so many exciting milestones for the smallest steps. As we move into a new year, I wanted to share some of the accomplishments our team has had in 2022!

"Congratulations again on a most timely film. It is important in many ways - captures a critical period in Canadian history, deals with intersectionality, human rights, First Nations and other critical issues."

May 2022 Friends & Family Screening
Sept. 2022 Ottawa Premiere
Sept. 2022 Ottawa Premiere
Sept. 2022 Ottawa Premiere
Oct. 2022 LA Femme Film Festival
Oct. 2022 Forest City Film Festival
Oct. 2022 Forest City Film Festival
Nov. 2022 OCan Film Festival
Nov. 2022 Thunder Bay Screening
Promoting #16Days Screenings
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Screenings & Coverage

In May 2022 we officially completed post-production on the smallest steps. To celebrate, we hosted a private friends and family screening at the Mayfair Theatre.

Since then, we’ve shared the film with over 1,100 potential viewers through:

  • Four Festival Screenings in Canada & the US
  • Public community screenings in Ontario, Alberta, and B.C.
  • Private classroom screenings in high schools, colleges, and universities
  • International virtual screenings through a Government of Canada network and a Canadian Embassy

We continue to organize community and educational screenings into the new year.

Want to bring the smallest steps to your community? Let us know!

"I loved the film. Really beautiful, poignant, and kick ass all wrapped up together. Love how it captures the work done by radical feminists in the past and brings it into the present (with such strong intersectional framing) so it isn’t forgotten or worse, ‘othered’ as obsolete. I really liked the narrative arc of the national action plan and the hopes and the frustration of the activism in this area."

Presenting on 'the smallest steps' impact campaign at Digi60 (Photo: Emily Ramsay)
We won a Tontine Award to create a French version of our doc!
Raising awareness about our film while fundraising with Sarjesa Tea!

Impact Activities

We’ve had lots of positive feedback from viewers of the smallest steps (just check out all the comments on our home page!). Our film has also inspired lots of individual small steps! We’ve shared a few below.

  • Over 100 students  have completed reflection exercises after watching our film.
  • People have attended anti-violence actions like Take Back the Night after seeing our film.
  • Several youth have written and shared opinion pieces as part of 16 Days of Activism. We’ve also had young people sharing their learnings and reviews on social media & in blogs.
  • Post-screening Q&As have included protagonists & veteran activists featured in the smallest steps and have had highly engaged audiences. 
  • New partnerships and projects have resulted from our screenings. For example, one screening led to connections around a project to archive Francophone feminist activism, and another led to the creation of a “Feminist Community Conversations Series”, which will foster women planning and taking action in 2023.
  • In December we won a Tontine Award to create a French version of the documentary. So we’ll be able to run French screenings in the new year!
  • We were also invited to present on Impact Producing at Ottawa’s Digi60 Filmmakers’ Festival — inspiring new filmmakers to create impact with their films!

We can’t wait to see what impacts we’ll have in the new year!

"It's heartbreaking to find out that the most dangerous place for a woman around the world is her own home, and that you're most likely to be hurt by those close to you. I also had never heard about the polytechnique shooting, and now I’m finding out it's one of the biggest massacres in recent North American history. How could I have never heard of this? It just goes to show we don’t spend enough time talking about these issues. I think the most important small step to take is to share. Share information on these issues to those around you who are more ignorant to the topic."